Easiest Way to Cook Delicious Nasi Lemak Cauliflower

Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Nasi Lemak Cauliflower. Nasi lemak - Malaysian coconut milk rice, served with sambal, fried crispy anchovies, toasted peanuts and cucumber. This is the best and most authentic nasi lemak recipe! A healthy low carb, vegetarian and delicious cauliflower nasi goreng.

Nasi Lemak Cauliflower We provide delivery & pickup services! Fresh homemade Nasi Lemak that is prepared daily to satisfy your cravings. Nasi lemak is not only popular in the ethnic of Malaysia, many tourist that visitor our country have try Nasi Lemak of Malaysia have now become one of the delicious traditional food that famous among. You can have Nasi Lemak Cauliflower using 15 ingredients and 9 steps. Here is how you achieve that.

Ingredients of Nasi Lemak Cauliflower

  1. Prepare 400 gm of Bunga Kobis/Cauliflower.
  2. It's 1 of /2 biji Telur Rebus.
  3. It's 2 of ketul Ayam.
  4. It's of Secukup Timun.
  5. You need 2 Helai of Daun Pandan disimpul.
  6. Prepare 10 gm of Bawang Merah Kecil dihiris nipis.
  7. You need 10 gm of Halia dititik.
  8. Prepare 1/2 of Sdk Garam.
  9. It's 60 ml of Santan Kotak.
  10. Prepare of 🌶️ Sambal Nasi Lemak.
  11. You need 60 gm of Bawang Besar dikisar halus.
  12. You need 20 gm of Cili Kering di rendam dan dikisar.
  13. It's 2 of Sdb Minyak Canola.
  14. Prepare of Secukup rasa Garam Halus.
  15. Prepare 3 of biji Prunes di Rendam dan di Cincang Halus.

Cauliflower is a crop in Stardew Valley. Cauliflower is one of several vegetables in the species Brassica oleracea in the genus Brassica, which is in the Brassicaceae (or Mustard) family. Cauliflower is a very nutritious vegetable that you can include in your diet. The nasi lemak business is a typical business at this area however base on our study, the Business Concept Nasi Lemak stall - own operation Consignment - Join venture with existing food operators.

Nasi Lemak Cauliflower instructions

  1. Sediakan semua bahan-bahan. Marinade Ayam dengan garam dan Serbuk kunyit..
  2. Sambal Nasi Lemak : panaskkan Minyak, tumiskan bawang kisar hingga keperangan, masukan cili kisar, kacau sebati.
  3. Masukan garam dan Prunes, Kacau sebati dan masak sehingga garing dan terbit minyak. Angkat dan tuangkan Kedalam Mangkuk. Ketepikan..
  4. Gorengkan Ayam sehingga garing. Ketepikan.
  5. Kisarkan Bunga Kobis/ Cauliflower dengan menggunakan Food processor..
  6. Nasi Lemak Cauliflower : Satukan dalam kuali, Santan, Garam,bawang, Halia,dan Daun Pandan,masak sampai mendidih, Selama 2-3 Minit..
  7. Masukan Cauliflower Yang di Kisar, kacau sebati dan masak sampai agak lembut. Angkat dan hidangkan bersama ayam goreng, Sambal, telur rebus,dan timun..
  8. Nasi Lemak Cauliflower Ketogenic Sedia untuk dihidang. Yummy 🤤🤤🤤.
  9. Selamat mencuba dan semoga bermanfaat 😘😘😘.

Cauliflower is a delicious and versatile vegetable. Make the most of this winter staple in soups, casseroles, and recipes that typically use flour. Awalnya, nasi lemak dijadikan bekal bagi para petani maupun pekerja perkebunan. Selain Malaysia, nasi lemak juga populer di Singapura, Brunei Darusalam, serta Kepulauan Riau. Add the cauliflower and toss until evenly coasted.